Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Registration of scientific publications

The reason why I have not written for a long time is that I have been busy registering publications from our school in the database "GUP" - Gothenburg University Publications, which is a bibliographic system for the registration of scientific publications authored by researchers at Göteborg University. After some negotiations we are now allowed to include not only articles, books, reviews etc. but also musical compositions and compact discs. This was a big step forward since the administrators of the database needed to reevaluate the meaning of the concept "publication". We are, however, not allowed to include concerts or other types of performances. I am curious to hear about how it works elsewhere and my questions are:

1. Does your school have a similar database?
2. What type of material is included?
3. Who is doing the registration - the librarian or the author?



Unknown said...

We do have a similar database, called Rednet (don't ask me the meaning of the word). It contains all types of scientific and/or artistic output. It started as a database for scientific publications, but is adapted to describe concerts, lecture-recitals, exhibitions, etc. The author or artist is supposed to enter the information, but as far as now there was little interest for it, especially from the artists. For the moment a staffmember of the research group is doing the job.

David Day said...

We also have a similar database, it is referred to as the Institutional Repository. That is a generic term, it does not yet have a unique title. The idea is the same, but those in charge of it seem to be focusing on scientific publications, not the humanities, and not at all works of art as far as I know. There is a team devoted to developing the system and persuading faculty to contribute. But, I think it is fair to say that the faculty are resistant to submit materials that they can publish elsewhere. There is a feeling that much is learned and gained from the formal editorial process of publishing in a peer reviewed journal that is lacking in an institutional repository. It appears more likely that the faculty are willing to submit addendum and large scientific data sets that are supplements to articles that often are not published.